Landmark Oaks

MIG enlisted Sign Art Studio to create the interior and exterior sign package for their new development in Madison, WI.

Location: Madison, WI • developers/owners: MIG Commercial Real Estate • Designers: Potter Lawson, Sign Art Studio

Our scope of work included designing and implementing exterior ground signage, building-mounted tenant signage, wayfinding, and interior ADA and directory signage.

One of the major hurdles we faced was obtaining approval for above-roof signage in a city where it was typically not allowed. However, our team at Sign Art Studio was able to overcome this challenge by collaborating closely with the owners, architects and the City of Madison. Through this collaboration, we were able to develop a sign package that met the requirements of the Urban Design Commission and ultimately gained approval.

The resulting sign package was a well-designed and comprehensive solution that provided the necessary exposure for both the development and its office tenants. Our team's dedication to finding innovative solutions and commitment to delivering quality results was key to the success of this project.

The exterior sign package consists of ground signage and wall signage

  • Radius faced monument sign with low profile face and edge lit acrylic LED letters

  • Exterior ground mounted tenant directory and wayfinding signage

  • High rise face lit tenant channel letter signage

The interior sign package consists of wayfinding elements, directories, and ADA code signage.

  • Interior directories

  • ADA Code signage

“To find a group that identifies and understands what you’re looking for, what kind of message you’re trying send, the right way to send it so that the customer understands it  and in a unique way that you will remember it. This is the company that does all of those things really well. This is why we are incredibly happy we found this relationship”

Bradley Hutter
President and CEO
MIG Commercial Real Estate